News for Fri, 01 Apr 2005 00:28:21 +0000
First off, Game Informer Online had the chance to sit down with Tim Willits, lead designer/co-owner of id Software, Matt Hooper, designer of id Software, and Brandon James, president of Nerve Software for a few words regarding the DOOM 3 Xbox version and the DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil expansion. Here's a slice of it:
"GI: How long is the expansion in terms of overall gameplay?
BJ: We had a bunch of testers in the office to figure this out. But, I think it’s really going to come down to your play style and whether you’re really going to try and get into every nook and cranny or if you’re just going to blast your way through it. It probably averages out to nine or ten hours, but like I said, it really depends on your play style. There was this one tester in the office and they sat down at 10 in the morning and at midnight she had gotten to this one part in the Hell level of the expansion that is pretty intense. She was having so much fun in there that she kept replaying the area over and over again and kept trying it out with very specific weapons. After about an hour, I heard this scream and it was this girl shouting out in glee because she had finally beaten it.
GI: When we think of the early Doom titles, we think of run and gun action. Why the shift to the slower and more atmospheric experience?
TW: When developing the technology, John Carmack looked at the potential of what it could to. He looked back at what he wanted to do with Doom and Doom 2 with that type of gameplay that had stuff scaring you or jumping out at you, and really felt that the current technology could bring that initial vision to life. So that was the overall direction that we had when we started the project and we felt that making it a more paced out game was the game that we wanted to make and play ourselves. That was basically the reason behind it." For the rest of the details with plenty of interesting bits to it as it's quite a long interview, make sure to head on over check out the entire thing.
And also, the first DOOM 3 Xbox version commercial TV spot that's been airing on TV within the last few days, lasting 34 seconds, known as the "White-Light Trailer" is now online. So give the TV spot a go over at TeamXbox!