News for Wed, 20 Apr 2005 15:17:15 +0000
Yet another review of RoE has been brought up to the net, this time the folks over at AVault have their review of RoE up, scoring it 4/5 stars overall.
"The Doom series has never been known for the most sophisticated artificial intelligence of the computer-controlled enemies, for creatures are not supposed to be tactical geniuses. As it happens, though, the AI in this latest release is not shabby, as for example when you use the grabber to throw fireballs back at monsters, they often duck or jump around to avoid being hit. At one point a Hellknight even knows enough to destroy specifically a nearby body so you cannot draw power from it for your heart-shaped artifact. So while you do not see any real subtlety in the attack patterns of your foes, they do differ markedly across creatures, and what you experience is quite satisfying for a title of this sort."