First off, you are gonna find yourself in the elevator you exited the last
level in. Feel free to explore the cavern you end up in, collecting weapons and
ammo, along with a human whose soul you can collect. Shortly after the message
you receive, there will be a number of Forgottens that will attack you. Destroy
them, and head on up the stairs to the next room.
In this area, many wraiths and one trite will attack you. After they are dead,
just keep going up the stairs and fight yet more wraiths. Keep going down the
hall killing the wraiths on the way, until you come to a door. Immediately to
the door's other side, is a PDA of a man named Stewart Jackson. Now you are
gonna need the artifact to get through all those bluish-green death balls going
back and forth. Activate the artifact, and slip on through. Continue through the
hallway straight ahead. You will find a cavern with a building on the other
side, you will quickly be attacked by a Vulgar. Soon after killing him, feel
free to explore the room for health and ammo pickups. Then go inside the
building, and fight some z-sec zombies mixed with some Vulgars. Go up the stairs
to your right and find the elevator in the area, and go to the level above. You
will fight two z-sec zombies, and a locker, which combination you will later
find in a PDA. Continue to the next area, with z-sec zombies scattered on the
way. Go through the door ahead of you, you will kill a few zombies, and in the
next room, will find a guy who turns into a zombie before your eyes, kill him
before he has the chance to attack, and download his PDA. Don’t forget to take
the power cell out of the generator either. Retrace your steps all the way back
to the elevator, and along the way go to the locker and enter the code ‘769’,
and go back to the elevator to the lower level. Once the doors open, there will
be a camping Vulgar waiting for you. After he is dead, go through the door and
go to the access panel, which you will now be able to bypass. You will straight
off find a PDA of Steven Crane, which has a combination to a locker in the
upcoming area.
Go to the door to your left, and fight a number of zombies, go to the left in
the office area, climb up the ladder, and go through the area killing random
zombies, you will come into a room, with two small offices behind glass. Go in
the one to your left, and find a nice little arcade game, much like super turbo
turkey puncher 3. Enter the code ‘428’ and collect the super shotgun and key
inside the locker. The door at the end of the hallway can now be accessed. Go
through it into a room. Look to your left to find a power cell generator. Remove
the power cell. Many zombies will soon ambush you. Kill em’ off, and retrace
your steps all the way back to the ladder. in the middle of your way back, your
vision will turn all red. Followed by about ten zombies. Finally go back down
the ladder you came in, and through the door. Now, go to the artifact control
room straight ahead of you.
You will quickly be greeted by a number of Vulgars. Go down the hallway, which
has a window to the right side. Go through the door ahead of you, and to your
right insert the two power cells into the generator that are in your inventory.
Go to the access panel on your left and click on 'vent gas'. The room should
clean out pretty quickly. Watch behind you as two soldiers will try to ambush
you while the gas is venting. Retrace your steps through the hall again. Now you
will come to the room that leads 3 ways again. Take a left through the door,
once you are in the next room, look to your left to find a door that says "artifact
storage" above it. Go through the door, which leads to the room that you just
vented out. Now download 'Victor Kharkov's' PDA, and take a left to the access
panel, you should automatically get a new inventory item just by walking up to
it. You are now given a new objective to find Dr. Cloud.
Many Vulgars will quickly ambush you. Kill them off and head into the door
straight across the steps, where zombies will come out at you. Keep heading
through the hall and to the next room. There should be a large door with an
access panel to the side saying "open Bay door". Click on it. Inside the bay
there should be an access panel exit to Erebus Control.