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DOOM 3 Walkthrough - Alpha Labs Sector 1

Turn to your immediate right and use the control panel to open the door. Once the door opens and you go through it you will get a new objective. Now go through the door and go right. 3 zombies will come at your from infront and one will come from behind. Go forward in the direction from where the 3 zombies came from until you hit the wall. Then turn left. There will be a health dispenser on the opposite end and some armor and bullets next to you. Now go back into the lobby. There will be a console with a control panel labeled ‘Unlock Doors, Primary lights on’. Click on the button. The lights will go on. Now go through the door to your right. On the other side there will be a zombie with a shotgun. Kill him and take his ammo. Now go right and 2 zombies with machine guns will jump out from behind the boxes.

Kill them and go behind the boxes. Behind the boxes is armor. Once you pick up the armor turn right and go forward. There will be stairs to your right and a zombie will come up them. Kill him and pick up the machine gun that is on the ground. When you pick up the machine gun an imp will come up from behind you.

Turn right and go down the stairs. You will see a door. Go through it. Once the door is open an imp will leap at you. Once you kill the imp 2 zombies will come in from the door opposite from you. One zombie will have a shotgun and the other will have a machine gun. To your right you will see a broken window. Jump through it and an imp will teleport in to your right. Kill him and another one will be on left. Now go to your right. An imp will teleport in infront of you.

Turn to your left. Infront of you there will be some stairs. Go towards them but don’t go up them, instead crouch and go underneath them. Below the stairs in the corner are some shells and a medkit. Now turn right and then turn left. Infront of you there will be some stairs. Go up them. Once up the stairs you will see a locked cabinet. Open it with the code 752. Inside will be Armor, A clip, hand grenades and 2 medkits. Now turn around and to your right there will be a door.

Go through it and a zombie will come from your immediate right. Another zombie with a pistol will come from your upper right. Kill them and then on the desk to your immediate left will be a PDA and a Video Disk. Now go to the upper right corner where the zombie with the pistol was and there will be a health dispenser. When you go towards it everything will go red and objects like chairs will start flying in the air. Once this stops an imp will come through the door to your left. Now go through the door to your right. An imp will be to your immediate right. There will also be a dead marine next to the imp. Get the dead marines shotgun and turn left.

There will be some armor. Now turn right and go towards the computer console. You will see a control panel with the button labeled ‘Open repair access gate’ Click the button. To your upper left a zombie with a machine gun will come in through the door. Now jump over the railing to your left. Wait for the blue laser to stop and then go right. When you get to the end there will be a closed vent with a control panel above it. Use the control panel to open the vent.

Once through the vent there will be a zombie with a machine gun and an unarmed zombie to your left. Kill them and turn left. You will see some stairs. Go down them. Once down the stairs a zombie will come from your right. Kill him and then pick up the armor on the table. Now turn around and go forward. There will be door to your right. Go through it. To your immediate left will be a medkit. Now turn around and go forward. Turn left and continue going forward. An imp will jump out from your right. Kill him and you will hear evil laughter and the lights will go out. Now turn left and you will see a ramp. Go down it and a zombie will come from your right and a zombie with a wrench will come from your right. Kill them. Now turn left and there is a door, go through it and you can't continue but there are grenades on the ground, pick them up. Now turn around and go back through the door. Now go forward.

There will be a fat zombie waiting for you. After you kill a fat zombie turn around and behind the crate there will be a medkit. Now turn right and keep going forward. Now turn left then right. A zombie will come out infront of you. One will come to your left and another one will come out behind you. Kill them. There will be some stairs to your right. Go up it. A zombie will come from your left. Kill him then go right. There will be a PDA, a clip and a medkit on the desk to your right. There will also be a control panel with the button ‘Seal breached pipe section’ on it. Press the button. Now go forward, turn left and go down the stairs. Turn right then left then right again. Now take a left. Go forward and you will see a door. Go through the door. There will be a dead body infront of you with some shells next to him.

Continue going forward then take a right. Go forward a bit and a zombie with a machine gun will come around the corner infront of you. Then the wall to your left will open up, revealing and imp and a zombie with a machine gun. After all the enemies are dead go into the room where the imp and the zombie were in. To your right there will be a shelf with a medkit. Pick up the medkit. Now to your left there will be a crate where the zombie with the machine gun was. Go behind in and there will be some shells. Now go out of the room and go to your left. Then take another left and there will be a door. Go through the door and right infront of you there will be armor and a medkit. Pick them up. Now turn left and go forward.

You will see a short cut scene and then maggots will start coming into the room. Kill them all then go towards the upper left hand corner and one of the floor grates will break. Now jump down and crouch. Turn right, go forward a bit then turn left. Now continue going forward then go left then right. Now go left and you will see a few dead bodies and a lot of broken floor grates. Next to the closest dead body will be a shotgun. Pick it up and then jump up out from under the floor. Infront of you, you will see a locked door. Now go to your right and a zombie will come from your left and your right. Go to where the zombie to your right came from.

In the corner there will be armor and a medkit. Now turn around and go right. Then take another right and there will be a door straight ahead. Go through it and a zombie with a shotgun will walk infront of you. Don’t shoot him. Instead shoot the explosive barrels next to him. Now turn right and there will be a door. Go through the door and a zombie with a machine gun will be coming from the opposite direction. Kill him then go forward. Explosive barrels will be thrown at you from the ledge to your right. Keep going forward and you will see some stairs to your right. Go up them and a maggot and a zombie with a machine gun will come through the door to your left. Kill them both then go towards the crate where the zombie with the machine gun was hiding behind. Next to the crate will be a medkit.

Now turn right and there will be a dead marine with 2 clips next to him. Now turn right and there will be a door. Go through it. Go forward and you will see stairs to your right. Go up the stairs. Right infront of you there will be armor. Pick it up and the wall directly infront of you will open and an imp will leap at you. Kill him and there will be another imp behind you. Now turn around and go into the room the first imp came from. To your right there will be armor. Now turn around and go to your right. There will be some stairs. Sprint up the stairs because they break. There will be a door infront of you. Go through it. Infront of you will be a dead marine with a machine gun and 2 clips next to him. Pick up the ammo then turn right then go left. Everything will go red and you will be stuck. When everything goes back to normal and imp will teleport infront of you to your right and behind you to your left. Kill them then go forward and left. You will see a door. Go through it. At the very first left turn there will be a zombie. Kill him then walk forward and pick up the video disk. On the opposite side of the console there will be clips.

Once you’ve go the clips go forward and turn right. There will be a door. Go through it. Turn right then left and a maggot will be infront of you. Kill him go forward. A zombie will come to you from your right. Turn right and go forward. There will be a console. On the right of the console there will be a medkit. Pick it up and an imp will come up behind you. Now go to the wall that opened up where the imp came from. On the right there will be a ladder. Climb up it. Take a right then a left. Then take another right and squeeze past the pipes. Then take a right and there will be a live scientist.

Now go left then take another left. There will be a dead scientist with a PDA next to him. Get the PDA. Now jump down the hole next to the scientist. You will be next to a door. Open it by using the control panel to the right. Now go through the door. Go forward and a zombie with a shotgun and an unarmed zombie will come from your left. Kill them then go left. There will be a door. Go through it. Turn left and go forward. There will be some stairs, go down them and 3 maggots will teleport into the room.

Once you have killed them all go through the door on the opposite side of the room. Once the door is open a maggot will leap out at you. Kill him and then on your immediate right will be a health dispenser. After you get the health turn around and behind there will a shelf with hand grenades and armor. Now turn around and there will be a door. Go through it. Turn right and there will be a door. Go through it. Right infront of you, you will see another door.

Go through the door. A maggot will jump out infront of you. Kill him and 2 zombies with machine guns will come out behind you. Now turn around and go through the door. Now jump down the hole where the maggot came out from. Then turn around and there will be a clip and armor. Now get out of the hole and go left. There will be a clip next to the hole. There will be a door infront of you. Go through it. Go forward a bit and maggots will start pouring into the room from all sides. Kill them all and there will be an elevator directly infront of you. Open the door and go down to Alpha Labs 2.

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